The most popular wedding months tend to be May, June, September and October. The warmer weather, as well as the feeling of rebirth and renewal that spring heralds in makes it so appropriate for spring wedding showers or weddings. That followed by the relaxation of summer and the freedom that brings for eased schedules, lazy days and travel opportunities makes summer a perfectly delightful choice too. During both of the seasons the flowers are blooming, birds are singing and bees are buzzing.
Fall weddings provide the opportunity to utilize other design elements and colors. The leaves are changing and present a vast and beautiful array of possibilites and themes for outdoor celebrations.
So, you may be asking yourself what made a beekeeper ponder these thoughts? Well, recently we had an order to fill and decorate small jars of honey for a spring wedding. We were honored and wanted to make sure our sweet little nectar filled jars of goodness would look beautiful and add to the wedding decor. This motivated me to do a little research and I was abolutely thrilled with what I found. I want to share it with you.
Honey-Themed Bridal Showers or Wedding have a quaint and beautiful charm that I had not really thought much about before, but I visited some very creative wedding planner pages and they were absolutely inspirational! I saw beautiful vintage cabinets displaying delicate jars of honey to be taken by guests as thank you gifts, honey displayed in lovely vintage glass jars used on Bisuit Bars, even a gorgeous Honey flavored wedding cakes! Honey inspired cocktails like the Bee Knees and much more.
I am including the links to these pages for you to look at. I found these ideas beautiful in their simplicity.
By the way, if you or anyone you know would like to plan a Honey-Themed wedding or shower. We have a range of vintage glass jars that an be filled with various flavors of honey. We can provide bridal party gifts and beautiful honey favors.
I found tons of photos and ideas on Pinterest, Instagram and wedding websites. So, once again - your imagination is your only limitation. Bee creative!
