The buzz around the #Palm Harbor Apiary is that #Vickie's Bees is hosting Flavored Infused Honey Tastings. We launched our pilot program in June and are proud to share that it was huge success! We Already Have a Waiting List of People Who Want to Participate.
We are Currently Accepting Reservations for parites of 5 to 10 people. You and your guests will visit our Charming Backyard Apiary to Observe Honeybees Working their Natural Environment from the Comfort of our Air Conditioned Honey Processing Room. You and Your Guests will Sample Beautiful Flights of Flavored Infused Honey. Small Plates of Finger Foods will be Served to Compliment our Assorted and Signature Honey Flavor Profiles. Sparkling Wine and Lemon Water will be Available to Cleanse Your Palate in between Honey Flavors. Book Your Reservation Today because We Offer Limited Tastings Dates.
The Cost, for now, is only $10. in order to Cover the Cost for Food and Wine. Additional, #Vickie's Bees Signature Line of #Flavored Honey (Used in the Food We Serve) will be Available for Purchase or Order. Note: Sales Go Back to the Business of Saving the Bees and Native Pollinators. It is a Win-Win for you and the bees.
Wedding and Event Planners, Brides and Grooms, Anyone Planning Events who are Looking for Unique and Sweet Party Favors are Encouraged to Schedule Tastings too. We offer Mini Honey Jars 1.5, 4 Ounce Jars of Honey, and 1 Pound Gift Jars of Honey. Please allow Two Weeks for Large Favor Orders to Be Fullfilled. The Are Adorable and Absolutely Perfect for any Party or Celebration!
Finally, Our Recipes have been Delightfully Accepted and Requested. I will be posting Recipes using Vickie's Bees Honey here frequently. So, check back for Easy Bee-zy Recipes!